Wednesday, September 28, 2005

No blogging and not much knitting

There has been very little knitting going on here. Yesterday, for example, I did not knit a single stitch. Why is this? There are several reasons:

1. Job applications. I am in the process of applying for jobs to teach a small liberal arts colleges. Some of those applications need to be in by sometime next week.

2. My wedding. It is amazing how long it takes to do the small last minute tasks. Last night I spent over an hour trying to get a ceremony program to print with all of the text right-side-up and with all of the pages in the right order. Who would have thought?

3. Helping my grandparents get ready to move. They are leaving to house they have lived in for over 50 years in order to live closer to my parents. My grandfather is a collector of everything. Moving them is not an easy task.

4. I am teaching this semester. So far, it has been very time consuming.

5. I have a full-time job doing biological research. One of these days I should actually do some research.

Hopefully by the end of this weekend I'll have some knitting to show you.


At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Printer issues! I remember that... :)

Hang in there! I hope your fiance (Ben, right?) is helping out, too!

At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Fishies? Don't forget to breathe! None of it is the end of the world and everything is less stressful than you think it is.

Jofrog is Knitfrog


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